A social heating system that warms homes without deforestation, prevents wildfires and creates quality jobs in Patagonia.


In the Argentinean Patagonia, each change of season brings with it a host of different challenges. During the summer, high temperatures, light rains and winds increase the risk of wildfires that in turn endanger flora, fauna, and even human lives. In winter, low temperatures necessitate the need to heat houses, yet many sectors of the population lack efficient heating systems.


In the Argentinean Patagonia, each season brings different challenges. During the summer, high temperatures and light rains increase the risk of wildfires that endanger flora, fauna, and human lives. In winter, low temperatures create the serious need of heating systems and many homes still lack efficient ones, specially in the most vulnerable communities.

BIOENERGÍA ANDINA (Andean Bioenergy) is a project by Fundación INVAP created to offer an integral solution to two issues simultaneously. A residuary collecting system of home and forest trimmings, which decreases the risk of accidental wildfires in the summer also feeds stoves. These are designed to work with small beaches that heat bricks with high thermal inertia.

Our task was to explain how it works, create local pride and promote real grassroots support and adoption of the heating system.


Because design is such a core value in Andean Bioenergy we wanted to work with a team that added a strong visual style to this campaign and called Ganztoll, a duo of designers that we deeply admire. We approached them with a demanding brief: a smart-technology and warm vibe. Also we wanted it to feel local in Bariloche, Patagonia.

With a diverse range of characters we portrayed the Bariloche´s inhabitants and backgrounds, as the project would only be viable if local communities actively got involved.

We interpreted their beautiful designs in a mixed media style, combining digital animation and live actions scale models.


In the Argentinean Patagonia, each season brings different challenges. During the summer, high temperatures and light rains increase the risk of wildfires that endanger flora, fauna, and human lives. In winter, low temperatures create the serious need of heating systems and many homes still lack efficient ones, specially in the most vulnerable communities.

BIOENERGÍA ANDINA (Andean Bioenergy) is a project by Fundación INVAP created to offer an integral solution to two issues simultaneously. A residuary collecting system of home and forest trimmings, which decreases the risk of accidental wildfires in the summer also feeds stoves. These are designed to work with small beaches that heat bricks with high thermal inertia.

Our task was to explain how it works, create local pride and promote real grassroots support and adoption of the heating system.

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