The Impossible Future is an animated documentary about the socio-environmental problems and solutions that define our future.
10 Episodes.
Humanity is facing a crisis of imagination. As global warming and social problems are rising, it’s becoming more and more difficult to envision an optimistic future. Sci Fi stories and dystopian entertainment seem to reinforce our destructive role in history rather than inspire us to change it.
We urgently need new optimistic narratives about the future.This animated series focuses on the solutions to most of our problems and those working to apply them. Impossible Future aims to empower our imagination and inspire us to change.
We developed our stories and strategy following these 3 corner stones.
1. Our stories are optimistic, although we start every chapter with a problem, we focus on solutions that already exist.
2. We don’t want to impose a unique truth, the future is diverse and solving problems implies coming to agreements. The script is organized around a group of friends talking about each subject with different points of view.
3. Documentary + Animation technique. Live action and photo realistic backgrounds embrace the documentary aspect of this story and animation adds details in an attractive and playful way.
A 10 chapters series has been finished and we are currently starting the distribution phase.
Each chapter is focused on one subject: Global warming, Regenerative Design, local economies, food production, A.I & unemployment, democracy & technology, and other issues that are relevant in order to think about the future.
With this series we aim to be a part of a global movement that is working collectively to regenerate our ecosystems, redistribute wealth and help millions abandon poverty.
The impossible future was co-produced with a large number of production companies and individuals. Currently distributed by Autour de Minuit worldwide and we expect to launch a free online version for specific territories.
We developed our stories and strategy following these 3 corner stones.
1. Our stories are optimistic, although we start every chapter with a problem, we focus on solutions that already exist.
2. We don’t want to impose a unique truth, the future is diverse and solving problems implies coming to agreements. The script is organized around a group of friends talking about each subject with different points of view.
3. Documentary + Animation technique. Live action and photo realistic backgrounds embrace the documentary aspect of this story and animation adds details in an attractive and playful way.
A 10 chapters series has been finished and we are currently starting the distribution phase.
Each chapter is focused on one subject: Global warming, Regenerative Design, local economies, food production, A.I & unemployment, democracy & technology, and other issues that are relevant in order to think about the future.
With this series we aim to be a part of a global movement that is working collectively to regenerate our ecosystems, redistribute wealth and help millions abandon poverty.
The impossible future was co-produced with a large number of production companies and individuals. Currently distributed by Autour de Minuit worldwide and we expect to launch a free online version for specific territories.
Developed with:
Argentina, North & South America, Asia
England, Europe, Canada, South Africa
6 Marryat Square, London, SW66UA